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The gardening journal of Persephone Yavanna the Entwife, UnInitiated UnHighPriestess of the UnCoven of the Solitaries

Persephone/Female. Lives in United States/New York/New York City, speaks English, French, Spanish and German. Eye color is blue. My interests are gardening/travel.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, New York, New York City, English, French, Spanish, German, Persephone, Female, gardening, travel.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Planted some more of my bargain bulbs today, since it was relatively warm and the ground is not yet frozen.

Planted Zurel and Purissima (aka White Emperor) tulips and Blue Pearl crocus along the side of the driveway near the Garden of the Gods, between the two pear trees. The ground around the Bosc pear tree where I'd planted the other bulbs a few days ago looked dug up and I found some bulbs scattered around, so I'm afraid my planting might have been raided by either squirels, racoons or both types of pesky varmints. Daffodils are supposed to taste bad, so I'm hoping that they survived the raid, but I think I'll be having a lot fewer tulips and other flowers than originally anticipated. Grump!!!

I planted Mount Hood daffodils and both Don Quichotte and Mondiale tulips along the strip of land between the driveway and the front walkway. I tried to plant the tulips deeply and put daffodil bulbs in the same holes as some of the tulips -- with luck, that might discourage the squirrels and/or racoons from digging up that planting of bulbs.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's snowing now -- the first snowfall of Winter 2005-2006. 2-4 inches is expected for here, but it looks right now from my window as though we've already gotten 2 inches and the snow is expected to continue until around noon. If I'm lucky, as the day warms up it might turn into rain and wash away the snow so I won't have to shovel.

It's supposed to get colder for the next few days, then warm up again. I hope that the ground won't be frozen by then so I can plant the remaining bulbs I'd bought. If it is, I'll have to store them in the basement and try to plant them in the spring -- if I'm lucky, they might bloom then, otherwise I'll have to wait until the following spring to enjoy the fruits of my labors.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Planted some bulbs today. I'd bought them on Wednesday when a local nursery was having a clearance sale -- all bulbs were $1 per bag, regardless of how many bulbs were in the bag. There were several "value sized" bags I bought, containing 18-32 bulbs (depending on what they were), and LOTS of "normal" bags with 5-20 bulbs each -- fewer for things like daffodils, more for small bulbs like crocus -- most bags I bought had 8 bulbs though, since I got a TON of tulips.

I did a planting of tulips, crocus and daffodils in front (i.e. just north) of the Bosc pear, surrounding the Royal Heritage hellebore I'd planted there a few days ago. I planted Menton, Queen of the Night, Lilac Wonder and Claudia tulips, Pickwick crocus, Pink Whispers daffodils and snowdrops. I'd planned on planting more tulips, crocus and daffodils there, but it was very chilly, windy and cloudy and dusk came sooner than I thought it would. I'll try to plant the rest of the bulbs I bought in the next few days, before the ground freezes -- I'm hoping the weather will be cooperative, but snow is in the forecast . . .

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